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Black Raptor FX Fangs 2.0 Evil Teeth Dental Veneer
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Black Raptor FX Fangs 2.0 Evil Teeth Dental Veneer

Product ID: 140787189
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Make yourself into an eye-catching creature when you sport a pair of Dental Distortions Raptor dental veneer teeth. When you put them on who knows what kind of mischief you’ll find yourself up to, nor will anyone else when they see you wearing these teeth. Not to be worn with braces. Fits most adults. Included are top and bottom teeth. Please read before purchasing. Products that go into the mouth are not returnable. -The special fitting material softens in hot water and forms a rigid mold around your teeth. Can be easily re-fit. Takes 20-30 minutes. -FX Fangs are fake teeth 'veneer' style special effect dental prosthetics that cover only the front of your teeth. FX Fangs are made using the highest quality dental materials and designed to be ultra-realistic. -We provide you with a high-quality low-melt thermoplastic which softens in hot water and anchors the veneer shell teeth in your mouth. The fitting process takes maybe 20-30 minutes and only needs to be completed once to obtain a fit that will last all season.-Each set comes with enough fitting plastic for a complete fit and photographic instructions.TO CLEAN: Use a mild soap and a soft brush. DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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