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Wild Alaskan Salmon Random Weight Dinner Fillets - Buyer's Club Bulk Pack (Wild King Salmon, 10 lbs)
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Wild Alaskan Salmon Random Weight Dinner Fillets - Buyer's Club Bulk Pack (Wild King Salmon, 10 lbs)

Product ID: 12582719
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Once a frozen fillet is completely thawed, it can be re-frozen though we do not recommend it, as taste and quality may begin to suffer. No fillet should be re-frozen if it has been thawed 2 days or longer. The best way to thaw your wild salmon dinner fillet is to leave it in the refrigerator overnight (in its pouch), allowing at least 8-10 hours. Trying to rush the process by thawing at room temperature or placing the frozen pouch in warm water is definitely NOT recommended, as it can cause the salmon to lose flavor and texture. If you must thaw your salmon quickly, place the frozen pouch in a bowl of cool water for 30-45 minutes, and then continue thawing in refrigerator. TO BAKE: Pre-heat oven to 275°F. Place salmon fillet skin side down on a cookie sheet brushed with olive oil, and bake for approximately 20 minutes. Do not flip salmon fillet. TO GRILL: Brush grill with olive oil PRIOR to heating. Once the grill is medium-hot (you should be able to hold your hand 6 inches above the grill for 5 seconds), brush the top of each salmon fillet with olive oil, and place on grill skin side up. Grill fillet until sides begin to turn opaque. Flip once, and continue grilling until fully cooked. TO BROIL: Place salmon fillet skin side down on a broiler pan brushed with olive oil, and place on oven’s middle rack. Generally broil about 10 minutes or so, though keep watching to avoid overcooking. Do not flip salmon fillet.

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